Cueva del Barbancho

||Tag:Cueva del Barbancho

CDG Newsletter Issue 215 – April 2020

Editorial Shortly after the last Newsletter was dispatched to the printers, and prior to its distribution, we learnt of the deaths of Norman Brindle and Simon Halliday. Norman was hugely influential in the early development of cave diving in the Yorkshire Dales. Simon was one of the Northern Section’s most active members and involved in [...]


CDG Newsletter Issue 213 – Oct 2019

Editorial Thank you to the many contributors who have provided the content for this Newsletter. The dive logs detail exploration within all of the regions of the mainland UK as well as in Croatia, France and Spain. The continued ability to dive at some of these sites has often resulted from lengthy and patient access [...]


CDG Newsletter Issue 211 – April 2019

Editorial As always, many thanks to the contributors of all of the diving logs and articles which have combined to make this April NL atypically large. Due to a number of forthcoming CDG events, particularly the AGM, I have attempted to speed up the compilation and editing to get this publication and the detail contained [...]


CDG Newsletter Issue 205 – October 2017

Editorial As this Newsletter was in preparation former CDG Chairman Brian “Scoff” Schofield passed away, following an illness. His funeral service at Rawdon was extremely well attended by a great many cavers, CDG members, work colleagues and friends. The next edition will include an appropriate tribute to him. Thank you to all the contributors of [...]
