Jingle Pot

||Tag:Jingle Pot

CDG Newsletter Issue 225 – October 2022

Editorial As this Newsletter was being pulled together news broke of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Few in the CDG will remember a time before she came to the throne. Some members will have met the late Monarch through Group and BCRC involvement, others through their past or current professional lives. Thank [...]


CDG Newsletter Issue 212 – July 2019

Editorial Following the welcome news of Josh Bratchley’s successful rescue whilst cave diving in the USA, the sad news was received of the sudden death of Ian Cummins, a prospective Northern Section member. Ian was an extremely accomplished and popular caver and climber who was learning to cave dive and almost ready to join the [...]


CDG Newsletter Issue 211 – April 2019

Editorial As always, many thanks to the contributors of all of the diving logs and articles which have combined to make this April NL atypically large. Due to a number of forthcoming CDG events, particularly the AGM, I have attempted to speed up the compilation and editing to get this publication and the detail contained [...]


CDG Newsletter Issue 208 – July 2018

Editorial Whilst this Newsletter was in preparation a small group of experienced CDG members were assisting Thai authorities in ongoing search and rescue operations at Luang Nang Non. Using the specialist diving skills and equipment refined in the sumps of the UK and elsewhere, they are working alongside Thai rescuers to complement their skills and [...]


CDG Newsletter Issue 207 – April 2018

Editorial Whilst currently confined to the house courtesy of the widespread snow from the “Beast from the East” and Storm Emma, it is easy to reflect on the generally wet winter and poor diving conditions that so often blight UK diving activity preceding the April Newsletter. Hopefully as winter turns to spring, more exploratory work [...]
