Welcome to the CDG Discussion board
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Last call for those who have not yet registered and paid ON THE NEW MEMBERMOJO SYSTEM for their 2023 membership.
Deadline for subscriptions was 30th November, followed by a one month amnesty for people joining late. The amnesty comes to an end on 31st December, after which it will no longer be possible to re-join without paying additional joining fees etc. They might even make you take all your exams again 😉
There are some help guides here
Most members who have used it so far seem to have had a frictionless experience. Jason Pepper, myself or your section secretary should be able to help you with any issues.
There are people who have paid their subs directly into their section bank accounts (the 'old' way) without registering on MemberMojo. I'd suggest those people should contact their section secretary and ask whether they should have that refunded and simply pay again online, or whether to register for offline payment on Membermojo and have the secretary mark it as already paid.
I'm sure there are people who want to re-join who are either struggling with this or simply don't know about it. Those people are likely to be those who also do not see messages posted online. Please can everyone check with their more senior / isolated / less tech savvy buddies to make sure they're not missing the boat on this unintentionally.
People not registered by end of December might miss out on paper newsletters as I have to draw the line and tell the printer how many to print.
A read-only archive of old forum posts can be viewed here