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Joining + gear advi...
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Joining + gear advice?


Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 1051

For information about joining, go to the contact area in the main menu and send a message to the Secretary of the Welsh Section. They can send you some standard advice and information.

Regarding equipment - and how to configure it, this may depend on where you plan to dive and even which particular sites. Advice about this is often better discussed in person, once you're in touch with the relevant Section you want to join. 

Joining the Group is a more of a process than an event; it's better to get to know people a bit first - because you'll need to persuade a couple of members to sign your form and invest time as your mentors. This may sound a bit offputting but the main reason is your safety. Cave diving is potentially hazardous and the CDG's approach has proved to be the most reliable (for British conditions) over the long term (i.e. since it formed in 1946). 

If you make contact directly - and you're clearly serious about joining, I think you'll find members helpful.

(BTW, it helps to use your true name rather than a pseudonym.)

I'm not in the Welsh Section, so I can't help you further. But I wish you the best of luck.


Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 89

Also feel free to contact me and I can give the limited benefit of my experience. There is also a Welsh section member living in the USA.


Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 11


I am a Welsh section member living in the US. I am also vice chairman of the NSS Cave Diving Section. If you need any help/advice, feel free to contact me at 16FW@bellsouth.net. I am a "dry" caver, as well as a sump diver.

I dive in Florida  a lot, if you are ever over that way, let me know.

I have a SeaSkin drysuit, and I like it a lot.

Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 1051

I meant site specific gear configuration requirements rather than different gear for different UK areas. Local knowledge is very important for this, which is why there's no substitute for chatting it through with people who are actively diving specific sites.

The CDG is set up as a number of regional "Sections" - your best bet is to decide where you're more likely to want to go cave diving then get in touch with that Section Secretary for further advice. 

As suggested above, if you let folk know your name, it'd help members of any Section you approach to become familiar with you. Without knowing your full background, the best advice I can give you is to get some solid caving experience first (I think they call it "spelunking" in the U.S.).

Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 89

wardgpz at tiscali.co.uk


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