Welsh Sump Index
The Cave Diving Group sump indexes are supplementary to the regional caving guides and an invaluable resource and essential reference guide for any UK trained cave diver, researcher or even dry caver looking to better understand the hydrology of British caves. The sump indexes are compiled from many years of exploration reports from CDG members and other contributors.
The regional sump indexes summarise the CDG's knowledge (at the time of printing) of the sumps in each of the major caving regions in the UK and when used in conjunction with the regional caving guides. The sump indexes will help to give up to date picture of British caves and their sumps.
The Welsh sump index is the most up to date reference to cave diving sites in the region. It has 100 pages covering cave and mine diving in Wales and the Forest of Dean.
Edited by Duncan Price and published by Lulu.com
Copyright The Cave Diving Group 2006
In November 1966 the late Mel Davies published an account of the known sumps, resurgences and sinks in South Wales, this he called a “Cave Sump Index: South Wales”. It was not until 1986 that John Adams and Dave Morris compiled an updated version, extending the coverage to the caves of North Wales and various flooded mines. This edition is based largely upon their work and has been brought up to date using reports from the Cave Diving Group Newsletter and other published accounts, as well as contributions from individuals. Please bear in mind that the information contained herein may not be current or accurate. It is the nature of any guidebook to become quickly outdated.
Duncan Price 2006