The CDG newsletter is the definitive reference for dives in the UK and also accepts relevant reports concerning dives in other countries. It is also a useful repository for those researching sites, compiling sump indexes and rescue teams that may need to come looking for you. You do not have to be a member of the Group to contribute. Non-members are welcome to report their dives to make the information available to a wide audience, avoid duplication of effort and ensure proper credit. To submit a report click here.
Steve Robinson
Alum Pot Blakes Farm Swallet Boreham Cave Bornoillon Britannia Cave Cornwall Dan-yr-Ogof Elm Cave Emergency Decompression (sic) Generator Dam Cave Grotte de la Tresor Grotte de Nuevon Guiers Vif Ilam Main Rising Keld Head King Pot Kithill Great Consol Mine La Source de L'Eau Grise Lancaster Hole Leeds Central Library Lionel's Hole Little Neath River Cave Llygad Llwchwr Moughton Scar Cave Nape Well Cave P8 (Jackpot) Paul Esser Memoral Lecture Penyghent Long Churn Phoenix United Mine Porth yr Ogof Pwll y Rhyd Reyfad Pot Rickford Rising Russet Well Source de la Douix Source de la Petit Tresor Swildons Hole Tearsall Pipe Cavern Trollers Gill Cave Wookey Hole
Aille River Cave Aillwee Cave B11 Bagshawe Cavern Birks Wood Cave Carrickbeg Cliff Force Cave Cradle Hole Sumps Crystal Beck Cave Cullaun 2 Dan-yr-Ogof Dido's Cave Doolin Cave Douk Gill Cave E K Tratman Gaping Gill Garrymore Cave Gawthrop Resurgence Cave Goyden Pot Hammer Pot Hepste River Caves Ingleborough Cave Ireland John Thomas' Hole Keld Head Kingsdale Master Cave Lionel's Hole Little Hull Pot Mangle Hole Monastir Sink Mullinahone Narcotics and Diving New Goyden Pot Obituaries: C W Harris Oliver Lloyd Penyghent Pot Pollatoomary Rising Poulnagun Redmire Pot Roaring Well S5 Resugence Scotland St. Swithin's Cave Teampall Shetric Thorns Dub Uamh nan Claig-Ionn Uamh Steall na Burich Unclaimed Cave Wookey Hole Yew Cogar Rising Cave
Arch Cave Bagshawe Cavern Bertons Pingles Cave (Shawley cave) Boreham Cave Carrick Beg Resurgence Correspondence from Tom Piskula Dan-yr-Ogof Dido's Cave Editorial: The use of rope signals Giants Hole Great Masson Cave Hammer Pot Ilam Main Rising Keld Head Keyhole Llygad Llwchwr More on cave diving in Scotland News from members Ogof Flynnon Ddu P8 (Jackpot) Poulnamuck report of the Annual General Meeting of the CDG St Bertrm's Well WitchesCave Wookey Hole
Bagshawe Cavern Bermuda Black Rose Cave Crystal Cave Darnbrook Beck Shaft No. 1 Defective Demand Valves Foss Pool Cave Gautries Hole Haytime Hole Ilam Main Rising Ingleborough Cave Keld Head Kirkdale Cave Llygad Llwchwr Mangle Hole Old Ing Cave Oxlow Cavern Perryfoot Cave Russet Well Scotland St. Dunstan's Well Stoke Lane Slocker Swildons Hole Truck Hill Cave Uamh nan Claig-Ionn Wookey Hole
1976 - 1977 Access to Cave Diving Sites Aillwee Cave Black Pot Boho Caves Cubio de Hose Cueva del Siphon Clario Cueva Llueva Dido's Cave Dr. W I Stanton Dub Cote Cave Dye tracing at Wookey Hole Flood resurgence Fuentona Giants Hole Hammer Pot Ilam Main Rising Ingleborough Cave Joint Hole Keld Head Kingsdale Master Cave Mangle Hole Nidd Heads NW Rising Old Ing Cave Oxlow Cavern Paul Esser Memoral Lecture Pridhamsleigh Cavern Santander Spain Stoke Lane Flooding Stoke Lane Slocker Swildons Hole The International Cave Diving Camp Truck Hill Cave Vobster Water Level Witches Cave Wookey Hole
A Modification to the First Stage of the Demand Valve Bagshawe Cavern Black Keld Boreham Cave Burrow Nose Cave Carlswark Cavern Cave Diving in Australia Cliffe Force Cave Coalpithole Rake Correspondence Regarding Turkey Sump Devon Dibb Valley Cave No. 2 Dibb Well Dido's Cave Election Hole Gaping Gill Giants Hole Goyden Pot Great Masson Cavern Hurtle Pot Ian Lewis Ilam Main Rising J D Murland Keld Head Knotlow Mine Ludwell Cave Merlin's Cave Middle Scar Cave Midge Hole New Level Cave Ogof Ffynnon Ddu Old Ing Cave P8 (Jackpot) Pate Hole Porth yr Ogof Queen Taffy's Secret Bubble Redmire Pot Scotland Sea Cave Stoke Lane Slocker Stump Cross Caverns Swildons Hole Uamh an Sgoltaich Fhada Uamh an Tobair Dhuibh Uamh nan Claig-Ionn Walden Beck Cave Watermouth Cove Cave Wookey Hole Y Berwi Yew Cogar Rising Cave
Birkwith Cave Black Pot Boreham Cave Carrickbeg Cliff Force Cave Gaping Gill Garth Iron Mine Ingleborough Cave Iran Ireland Joint Hole Karue Ru Resurgence Kingsdale Master Cave Little Neath River Cave Low Birkwith Cave Nut Cave Porth yr Ogof Robinson's Pot Tang e Haft Resurgence Winshaw Gill Pot Wookey Hole