CDG Newsletter Issue 72 – July 1984 Version Size3.81 MB Create Date27/09/2017 Last Updated16/01/2018 A P Glanvill Allt nan Uamh Stream Cave Carrigacrump Caves Chapman's Rising Crag Cave Dower Bridge Rising Dub Cote Cave equipment Failures Gaping Gill Grand Bahama Great Rock Mine Grotte Inferieure de Bury Hammer Pot Hurtle Pot Ireby Fell Cavern Jingle Pot JNC John Cordingley Joint Hole Keld Head Little Neath River Cave Magnetometer Pot Manchester Hole Meregill Skit Midge Hole More about Surveying Nidd Heads NW Rising Ogof Hesp Alyn Otters Cave Palau Pasture Gill Pot Peak Cavern Philippines Poulnahorka Rising Pridhamsleigh Cavern Regulators Roaring Hole Robinson's Pot Source of the River Maine Stoke Lane Slocker Strans Gill Pot Sump Survey Accuracy Swildons Hole Thorns Dub Thoughts on the Annual Meeting W I Stanton Wookey Hole FileCDG72.pdf Steve Robinson 2018-01-16T09:46:54+00:00