CDG Newsletter Issue 70 – January 1984 Version Size1.67 MB Create Date26/09/2017 Last Updated16/01/2018 Ashwick Grove Brixham Caves Bunnadubher Cave Cave of the Wild Horses Chert Mine Clive Westlake Compass Corrections Coole Cave Crag Cave Dan-yr-Ogof Dub Cote Cave Dye testing in Chapel-le-Dale equipment Failures Faunarooska Feregus River Cave Gaping Gill Guiers Vif Hardrawkin Pot Holme Bank Holme Bank Chert Mine Holmebank Hospital Cave Hurtle Pot Ilam Risings Ingleborough Cave J Griffiths Joint Hole Kef Lahnash Kef Rouadi Keld Head Kingsdale Master Cave Meregill Skit Northern Caves: Review Ogof Hesp Alyn Otters Cave P8 (Jackpot) Peak Cavern Peter Glanvill Pridhamsleigh Cavern Recorditis Rob Palmer Sixth International Camp of Cave Diving Stoke Lane Slocker Strans Gill Pot Submarine Cave Diving at Brixham The Churn the Wishing Well W I Stanton Wookey Hole FileCDG70.pdf Steve Robinson 2018-01-16T09:46:55+00:00