CDG Newsletter Issue 226 – January 2023

|CDG Newsletter Issue 226 – January 2023


Happy New Year and thank you as always to the many contributors who have submitted dive logs and articles for this newsletter. Again, there is a good range of reports of underwater exploration under the main caving regions of the UK as well as further afield in Mexico, Portugal and Spain. In addition, a further two letters have been received and are reproduced towards the end of this newsletter regarding the format in which it is published. As was finalising this edition received news that Peter Hall has now taken over as Welsh Section Secretary replacing Michal Poreba.

As have hinted at many times before, the April newsletter is often thin due to weather-induced disruption to diving activities over the winter. So, once more, my plea is for members to please send me diving logs, articles, top tips, book reviews and changes to QD status or Section Secretaries so that I have something to pull together for John Cordingley to proof read and George Linnane to distribute. The deadline for the April 2023 newsletter is 1 March and with a bit of luck it may arrive with you ahead of the 2023 AGM (the details of  which will be distributed shortly by the Somerset Section via the usual methods). Safe diving.

Adrian Hall

CDG NL226.pdf
