CDG Newsletter Issue 219 – Apr 2021

|CDG Newsletter Issue 219 – Apr 2021


This newsletter, marking the 75th anniversary of the CDG, begins with a tribute to the late David Hodgson, an extremely popular and well-respected Non Diving Member of the Northern Section. It was David’s infectious enthusiasm, extensive knowledge and genuine concern for us divers at Boreham Cave that will form my most enduring memories of him. On every dive he’d help us to the entrance, wave us off and remind us not to take any risks. David would then stay on the surface whilst we dived. Often this waiting was done in awful conditions (although he’d often fit in a “bit of science” whilst we were gone). Whatever the conditions, he was always there when we returned with a smile on his face, desperate first to hear that we were all OK and then for news of what we’d found and what we’d got up to. Like many, I will miss David’s friendship considerably.

It will probably come as no surprise to many that this newsletter is a touch light on dive reports. However, I hope that the other interesting, diving-related contributions make up for this. As this newsletter was going to press we received details of the inquest into the tragic death of Simon Halliday in Lancaster Hole in January 2020. A summary report is included.

By now, most will know that the planned 75th anniversary AGM in Wales has been postponed due to the ongoing coronavirus-related restrictions. However, whilst researching a forthcoming book, Martin Wright came across the first Letter to Members which was typed and circulated by Graham Balcombe in 1946. As few Group members will have seen this, I have decided to republish it. Finally, please continue to send me your diving logs, articles, top tips and changes to QD status. The deadline for the July 2021 Newsletter is 1 June. Stay healthy and safe diving.

Adrian Hall

CDG NL219.pdf
